Book your parking space

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Exit Date and Time
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Parking Space Booking Summary
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Parcheggio Anna
Viale Pasitea 173/A
84017 Positano
Small Car ( < 3.80 metres ) 5 spaces
Medium Car ( 3.80 - 4.20 metres ) 5 spaces
Large Car ( 4.20 - 4.70 metres ) 5 spaces
Extra Large Car ( > 4.70 metres ) 5 spaces
Phone: +39 089 812078
lunedì (Entry):
08:00 - 12:01, 12:00 - 23:59
martedì (Entry):
08:00 - 12:01, 12:00 - 23:59
mercoledì (Entry):
08:00 - 12:01, 12:00 - 23:59
giovedì (Entry):
08:00 - 12:01, 12:00 - 23:59
venerdì (Entry):
08:00 - 12:01, 12:00 - 23:59
sabato (Entry):
08:00 - 12:01, 12:00 - 23:59
domenica (Entry):
08:00 - 12:01, 12:00 - 23:59

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(opzione disponibile su PayPal)

We accept payment with credit card too
(option available on PayPal)

Controlla le dimensioni della tua auto QUI

Check your car dimensions HERE

L’annullamento deve avvenire almeno 7 giorni prima della data di prenotazione per poter essere rimborsato

Cancellation must be made at least 7 days prior to the booking date in order to be eligible for a refund